Would Rather


Would rather significa prefiero o preferiría, lo mismo que prefer y would prefer, tienen un comportamiento diferente.

Would rather va seguido de infinitivo sin to y Would prefer de infinitivo con to:

1) I would rather go

2) I would prefer to go

Más ejemplos:

I'd rather be a sparrow than a nail

Negativa: I'd rather not be a sparrow

Si Would rather va seguido de un objeto indirecto, el verbo debe ir en pasado:

I would rather we went home - Preferiría que nos fuéramos a casa


I prefer to go to the beach  o I prefer going to the beach.
I would prefer to go to the beach.


Prefiero coger el tren que pagar un taxi
I would rather take the train than pay for a taxi.

Preferiría que te quedaras en casa.
I would rather you stayed at home.

Prefiero quedarme en casa que ir sola.
I'd rather stay home than go alone.

Prefiero quedarme en casa que ir a pescar.
I would rather stay at home than go fishing.

Prefiero cocinar que lavar los platos.
I would rather cook than wash the dishes.

Preferiría visitar Londres que París.
He’d rather visit London than Paris.

Preferiríamos no ir al cine esta noche.
We’d rather not go to the cinema tonight.

Preferiríamos quedarnos en casa esta noche.
We’d rather stay at home tonight.

Preferiría ir al cine el martes
I’d rather go to the cinema on Tuesday

Preferiría que fueras a recoger a Tom a la escuela.
I’d rather you went to pick up Tom from school.

Preferiría que no vinieras a cenar esta noche.
He’d rather you didn’t come over for dinner tonight.

¿Preferirías que no fuera tan aburrido?
Would you rather I wasn’t so boring?

Recuerda que "preferiría" y "prefiero" pueden usarse indistintamente

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